Between Knitting and Crochet

For the past 3 days I've been crocheting a white blanket for my 19 mon. old baby boy.  
Will post pictures ASAP have to learn how to post them lol 
My hunny, was asking me questions about me learning to crochet this morning.
I was about 7 years old and love to play outside with siblings and friends. I would see a lady across the street from my home sitting on her front yellow porch steps. I didn't know her, but was interested to see what she was doing? She had dark hair and a warm friendly smile. I don't remember exactly how it happen, but before I knew it I was right in front of her watching her magic hands holding some yarn and hook. She asked me if I would like to try it? And I remember her holding my hands and was guiding my hands, showing, and explaining to me how to crochet. I remember kids yelling at me to go back and play, but I didn't want to. I was happy having fun and felt as if I was playing lol. The Lady seen that I wasn't leaving and asked me... Do you like it? We both had smiles. I said yes! So she then said wait here she got up and went inside her home with the porch screen door slamming behind her I was watching the door waiting for her, but within a minute she came back outside and was holding a new ball of yarn with a hook for me (tears) I was so happy. Can't remember anyone in my life ever again being so kind to me. Went home that night and continued with my crocheting. I had fallen in love with my magic hands. I would go to her every time I would see her out side. She also gave me my first knitting sticks and she showed me how to knitt. I think of her every time I see yarn lol. What  I mostly remember is her calm loving spirt. Don't know her name or where she is, but I feel so warm inside when I think of her during those days of knitting and Crocheting. I'm sure it's much deeper of a why was I so happy with this front porch angle lady. Sending her a warm tight hug wherever she is. :-)


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